Saturday, June 7, 2008

Trying again...

So I am going to try this video this way, using MotionBox. The fabulous Susie Felber uses it for videos on her blog, so maybe it will work for me. And when I preview it, it DOES appear to work. VERY exciting.

Sigh. Someone is resisting taking a nap, which he very desperately needs. A good poop, I can't tell which because all he says to me is "mamamamamaaaaglagggaaablarrgwhaaa" or some variation of that. He is in his crib saying that very thing right now. I am going to try waiting him out. If he doesn't nap the trip to the hair salon, for mommies do and perhaps his, could be very interesting. Later.


Susie Felber said...

So cute! As cute static as moving. But still, love the technology!

So, did he nap? Did hairs get cut? Consider me on tenterhooks! :)

mkosboth said...

He did get a hair cut, and he was awesomely awesome about it too. That afternoon he did nap, but his schedule has been all off and subsequently he got up at freaking 4am for the last two days. He is back to school and he better get back on his schedule or mamma's gonna need more coffee.

Audubon Ron said...

Good vid...