Monday, June 16, 2008

And the beat goes on

So my mom is having bypass surgery Wednesday. Double bypass surgery. But for now she is doing pretty well. She is very stable and being well taken care of. My dad is holding his own, as long as he can eat dinner with my brother. There are things I have never seen my dad do - the laundry, vaccuming, and cooking anything other than scrambled eggs or grilling something on the BBQ. He makes his own breakfast and lunch with no major assistance, but dinner has always been my mother's "responsibility". So he needs to go to Chip's house for dinner. Otherwise I am not sure what he would do.

Once upon a time, when I was visiting them and they were living in a house I had never lived in, as they had moved there long after I had moved out, and my mother was still working part time at the local bookstore, she had some evening hours to work. She left for her shift around 4pm. My dad looked at me around 5 and said "what's for dinner?" Hmmm. I have never lived here, I am not in charge of you, and yet I am in charge of dinner? I responded that dinner was whatever was served at whatever local establishment he wanted to go to to eat. We ate at McMinnican's, a brew pub. It was lovely.

This time would be different. I will be going out the first week of July. It will be after she has had her surgery and gets home. It will allow me to assess how things are going, if she is in fact behaving herself as she is supposed to. My exhusband has been through open heart surgery and his advice is do what the doctors say, take the pain meds and do what the doctors say. I guess when they do open heart surgery, you are not supposed to do any heavy lifting, or any lifting for that matter, for a month. The point being that the plates of the chest bones need to fuse back together. If you don't "behave yourself" they might not fuse properly, and they will have to do it over again. It behooves you to behave.

I will be going out alone. HA. The Bob gets to be in charge of Cooper for a week. Alone. The hard part is walking the dogs. We have one dog who won't poop in the back yard. He is weird, poor dog. I would like to take Cooper, but that is not realistic. He is 19 months old, and going by myself with him would be insane.

That is it for now. Hope all is well in all of your blogger worlds.


Susie Felber said...

Aw honey, I'm sorry for your mom's trouble and I know how hard these things are. And you are right, going on your own with Coop would limit how much you could help (if at all!).

I don't even know you and wish I could help.

I love the memory of what you said to your dad. Priceless and well-told.

mkosboth said...

Thanks for the support. It is hard to be so far away but she is doing well. The surgery has been postponed again, which is frustrating. All will be okay in the end though.