Then when I went to make lunch, I needed one of the mixing bowls I had used to make the buns, so I had to wash a few things. Then I realized, after opening a can of tuna, that we still had no mayonnaise. Since I had no interest in going out to buy some, I decided to see if the article I had read not too long ago in either Gourmet or Bon Apetit magazine about how easy it is to make your own was right, and found a recipe to make it myself.
One egg, a cup of oil, a teaspoon of mustard and some salt and cayenne pepper and approximately 3 minutes total of mixing, I had mayonnaise.
And it was GOOD. I believe it probably cost me a total of 57 cents to make about a cup. And it made a great tuna sandwich.
It has been a cooking weekend. I made leg of lamb for dinner last night. I joined a meat CSA - Community Supported Association - and once a month four of us split a delivery of meat from a local farm. It is the first time I have cooked lamb, leg or otherwise. I cooked it like I would a roast and it was deLISH. I like the idea of eating locally and supporting local farms. I will try another CSA for veggies this summer. I did it two summers ago and was unhappy with what we got. If I never see another bunch of mizuna again I will be happy. The variety was not great. I might not do a CSA and try just to shop local farmers markets instead. But the meat experience has been a good one. We have tried ground beef, sausage, pork chops and lamb so far. I have some chicken to check out too.
Anyway, I may never buy mayo again. I can put my food processor to work more regularly this way too.
Yes, but can you make Miracle Whip!
Sheeesh, watch some Alton Brown. He will admonish you into making everything from scratch simply by explaining how easy it is.
(Miracle Whip = add vinegar)
Hate to say this, but, the EGG! It is usually raw, right? This could be a source of salmonella for you. Option is to use "fake" eggs as I call them as they are pasturized.
I have days like that all the time. And yet I still love making things from scratch. It makes me "scratch" my head in wonder at the cost of baking mix, for instance. Sounds like your mayo turned out yummy.
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