Thursday, July 30, 2009


Ugh. I am sick. I am actually feeling better this morning than I was yesterday. Or last night. Around 4am things turned a corner and I stopped being achy and trying to cough up my spleen. Cooper and I both came down with a cold of sorts, which is why he had the hives. But he is feeling mostly fine now, while I am a giant mess. We are supposed to leave for our vacation in Friendship Maine tomorrow. We go every year. I think we will still go, I am sure by tomorrow I will feel even better. But if we have to delay a day it isn't the end of the world. Our friends John and Virginia are up there, waiting for us, and will be there on Saturday too.

In other news, the parakeet is still outside my office. I don't know if we will catch him or not, but I will give up on it for now. If he is there when I get back from vacation, we will renew our efforts.


Anonymous said...

Yuck. Poor you. Why not wait a day? Just to be on the comfort side of things.

Audubon Ron said...

Gosh, sorry. Hoping you feel better. I'm sure you'll have a great time.