Merry Christmas! Ours has been nice and quiet. A few years ago I figured out I hate traveling at this time of year, so I avoid it, especially since now it would involve a toddler and a 10 hour flight. Since my family lives in Oregon, which has been getting more snow in a few weeks' time than in the last 40 or so years combined, it is a good thing we were not trying to get there. One college student who was in some new story Bob caught, has been trying to get from Boston to Oregon since last Friday. Yesterday she had gotten as far as Chicago. UGH.
Yesterday we went to the mall to take a shot at getting a picture of Cooper with Santa. Once the Bob has scanned it I will post it. I wasn't paying the extra $20 for the CD. It belongs on that "Scared of Santa" website. He actually was not scared of Santa, he was just on his last leg. It had take about an hour to get through the line, which wasn't so bad since I did the waiting while the Bob chased Cooper around the mall. Cooper only had to stand in line for about 10 minutes. But it was the 10 minutes before melt down. I looked at Santa, who was the same Santa as last year, and is a really GOOD Santa, with a real beard and a very authentic look, and said "This is going to be a crier." "Hit me" he said. So I put Coop in his lap, stepped back and told the lady to take the picture. There was no point in waiting for him to smile, because THAT was NOT happening. It is an awesome Bad Santa photo. Of course I have ordered a ceramic ornament with it on it.
Last night I baked a lasagna, and since I bake an AWESOME lasagna, the Bob decided that should be one of our holiday traditions - a Christmas Eve lasagna. Okay, I can handle that. After Cooper went to bed, the presents were produced for under the tree. This morning he was up around 6:30, and once we were down stairs, he was wholely uninterested in the presents. We could have made the present thing last all day, because each time he opened a present, that was the only thing he wanted to play with. That won't be true in another few years.
The Bob and I decided not to do major presents for each other. We don't have the fundage for it, and it seemed more appropriate to focus on Cooper. We filled each others' stockings instead. But with a price limit! Jewelry would fit in a stocking, but that was not the point. We focused on fun stuff, or useful stuff. I am now the proud owner of a desk top Zen garden and make your own Stonehenge kit. Excellent!
Cooper got more tools. He is VERY into tools. As trades go, carpentry is a good one.
He also got a Mack, from the movie Cars. He LOVES his Mack.
My brother sent me a pie plate. An Emile Henry pie plate. My sister-in-law is a master pie maker. I have NEVER made a pie with my own crust. I actually prefer pie to cake, all that fruity goodness inside a flaky yummy crust. Now I will have to learn to bake a pie.
And in closing, I present you with Buster doing beagle angels. This was taken on Sunday as we were getting another foot of snow. Buster loves rolling in and making beagle angels in snow almost as much as eating. It is beagle joy, pure and simple.
Merry Christmas to all and may your life be full of Beagle Joy.
Buster is adorable! Come join our Happy Tails Beagle list.
It's a Yahoo!Groups list, here's a link
Hope to see ya there!
Molly, beagle
Lucy, Aussie Kelpie
You have reverted to the Italian ancestry in you. I never knew people had turkeys at Thanksgiving or hams for xmas. We had homemade cheese ravioli. Heaven! Grandma Rose did the honors starting about 5 am. I also did not know people put meaet in their ravioli until years later. We were just coming out of WW2 when these memories were made so that could explain the menu some. There was also the roast chicken, salad and fruit for dessert. Your grandmas made awesome pies too. Time to get on with those traditions you wanted.
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