So along with a great view and the opportunity to relax, the thing I love best about coming to Friendship is, well, the friendship. I get to see friends I love and meet new ones. This time around I got to meet some new kids, Z and O. They are the daughter and son of my friends, D and T. Z is 5 and half, and O is 3. You can see them in the picture of the kids on the Harley.
The Harley is the property of T's mom and step dad, C and C who are also new friends now. They hail from Athens OH and are owners of the Smiling Skull Saloon. If you are ever in Athens, you should stop by. You can get wine and beer. That's it. And a great T-shirt. They don't do mixed drinks or food. But these people are salt of the earth people and Cooper has managed to get over his concern over C's beard. It is a bit disconcerting to a small person I think.
I told Zelda the other day she was even smarter than I originally thought she was. "That's because I am 5 and a half" she responded. Who can argue with that.
We have rain today, but had gorgeous weather yesterday. At first there was fog, then sun, and then more fog, which rolled in at one point in a very spooky Stephen King way. I tried to capture that in one of the pictures.
I have two more dogs to document for my Dogs of the Cove installment. Meanwhile we are figuring out what to do with our afternoon today. Some people will be going to see a movie, I think Cooper and I will find some shopping to do - we need diapers.
Some of the pictures I have included were from a wine and cheese hour we had two nights ago, just after D and T and C and C all got here. There are so many lovely people here, and Cooper made new friends, like J who read him a book while I ate my dinner. Tomorrow we will have a birthday party for T's mom, as she is turning 55 on Thursday.
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