Saturday, May 31, 2008
It's like...nature man.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Tag you're it
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
5. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
6. Let your tagger know when your entry is up.
Six random things about me:
I like to make jewelry. Chunky jewelry with beads and gem stones. I tried selling it on ebay but didn't get very far. I think the problem was my photography and the fact that I couldn't find an appropriate jewelry classification for it. I like to make necklaces or earrings as gifts but of course am never sure if the recipient really likes it or is just being polite. I hope they really like them.
I hate lima beans. They are pasty and not very tasty.
I played the viola for 9 years, but haven't touched it except to move it from one house to another since 1986. I should sell it on craigs list, but for some reason keep it around. Perhaps this weekend I will put it on the list.
I am really bad at blogging. By that I mean I don't know all the technical stuff that I should know to make this blog snazzy and get more coverage. My software engineer husband is no help because he has never done a blog either.
I randomly got involved in the theater when I was in college and loved it. I have found trying to be involved in theater work since disappointing. Too many people taking themselves WAAAAY too seriously. And then there is the problem of my inability to stay awake beyond 10pm most nights. Theater work is notorious for attracting nocturnal people. I tried community theater when I lived in Middletown NY once. They had a "professional" director come in. She was trying to make a career of directing only Jesus Christ Superstar. Seriously?? Of all the great plays in the world, of all the great MUSICALS in the world, just the English speaking world even, that is the one you are going to pick? And by the way, there are two, count them TWO named roles for women in that play. Every other woman gets to be in the crowd singing the same 6 notes over and over again. I want to do plays like Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney in those old movies - in a barn, with the cows as props.
And to follow up on Oz's random thoughts about herself and things that make her cry, there was this McDonalds commercial that used to get me all the time. An elderly man gets all dressed and walks down the block to work at the local McDonalds as a greeter or something. I don't know why, but that commercial would turn on the water works every single time.
Okay, so that is six random things about me. I am supposed to tag six random blogs. How they can truly be random I don't know, because I am going to purposefully pick them but here we go:
Susie Felber at Toddler Tube http://www.babble.com/CS/blogs/toddlertube/default.aspx
Anne Nahm http://annenahm.com/
The New Girl http://thenewgirl.typepad.com/the_new_girl/
My Three Ring Circus http://www.mythreeringcircus.com/
StarkRavingDads http://www.starkravingdads.com/
Secret Agent Mama http://www.secretagentmama.com/blog/
Ugh. Now I have to go tell them they have been tagged. I usually lurk on half of them.
In other news, we went to this working, organic, sustainable farming farm, Drumlin Farm, in Weston MA. It is lovely, they do educational stuff, it is part of the Audubon Society, you can get up close and personal with the animals. Which was such a great idea, in theory. Cooper FREAKED. He is not a fearless kid, but generally moves through life with this little tiny sense of confidence that I admire. One look at the goat with a deviated septum (I confirmed this one of the workers - the goat wheezes and groans like some strange bagpipe) and he screamed and grabbed my neck. When we saw cows, he would bury his face in my neck, then turn around and yell a little "booooo" which is what he believes cows say, and then bury his face again. So there was bravery, but then the security of mom's embrace. I am not sure if this is when I should start the fund for his therapy. "My mother forced me to look at, and SMELL, livestock doctor. I have never been able to forgive her".
Friday, May 23, 2008
On saving pandas, or polar bears, or taking a nap
In the last few months I have read the following articles: There is this woman who had her children, triplets no less, later in life like moi, but shortly after bringing them into the world, like 8 weeks later or some ridiculously short period of time, she left them for a month to go on an expidition across Antarctica. On a dog sled. Sleeping in tents. In the COLD. And she does it regularly now.
Or there is this woman who had been a major player in the software industry, was one of the top dogs at Sun Microsystems, who decides she needs a change. So, because she has enough money socked away she decides she will leave with no plan in mind. She can afford to live without working for three years at the most, but she planned to have a plan by the end of year one for what she would do with the rest of her life. She became an award winning novelist two years after quitting her job.
Cooper is 18 months old, and is ONE kid nevermind three, and yet I find sometimes just getting out the door and to the mall, where I manage to buy the thing I went there for to be a major accomplishment. And between day care and child support for the step sons from Bob's marriage #1, we couldn't survive for three months without a paycheck much less three years. And that makes me crazy, since almost every time I turn on the TV, assuming we are not watching endless episodes of Barenstein Bears or the Hoobs, I see that Suzi Ormond or whatever her name is, chick, on TV telling me how much money I should be saving for my future and how much to have for those emergencies. ACK. And since the only writing I do is either in the form of email or this blog, I don't imagine I will be winning any awards.
I like that there is a magazine geared toward woman over the age of 24. And that it gives consideration to all sorts of issues, not just the fluffy stuff about how we look or whether our sex lives are up to snuff, but they focus on real women achieving major things, at an age when most of society thinks we have taken up knitting or shuffle board. Not that there is anything wrong with either of those activities. Every so often though, I find the stories intimidating. I would like a few stories about women who balance having the kids with a job I can actually identify with. I don't have the luxury of quitting my job to take classes to reinvent my life, again. I think having Cooper actually was major overhaul of my life. Talk about reinvention. I am not sure I can do justice to being his mom if I were to try to focus on some momentous, world saving agenda. I think I will be happy being me, being a good wife and mom, whose house is not spotless (we have a beagle after all) and trust that that makes a difference in the long run even if I am not saving pandas while living in a hut in China.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Hooraaaaaay for green beans and peas and mama's pasta
First was pasta cooked by MOI. Not pasta out of a Graduates tub, but rigatoni with honest to goodness (from a jar) sauce. He has reliably eaten it more than three times now in the last few weeks. The fact he eats it without a fuss makes me happy beyond description. It reminds me how stressed I feel that he is not going to eat enough to grow and be healthy. Not that I should really be worried about that - the stuff he will eat is good stuff like yogurt and fruit and cheese. I know vegetarians who call that dinner.
Tonight he ate VEGETABLES. One of his teachers told me he ate a pea at lunch that escaped from one of his classmates' lunch. So I decided to introduce some peas, green beans and corn. The corn he didn't like, but he chowed down on the peas and beans. And last night he ate TOMATOES. I literally did a jig. He still refuses most bread, which I think is weird, but I guess he doesn't need the carb addiction yet.
So as crazy as it makes me some days when he just wipes all the food off his tray and onto the floor for the canine cleaning crew waiting below like piranah in the Amazon, I will continue trying new food and will trust that as he gets older and smarter, he will get bored with the old stuff and be willing to try new stuff.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Celebrate the blessings and shut yer yap
That was then...This is now...
Okay, after reading my last post, when I was in a weather induced brain fog, I decided I have NOTHING TO WHINE about and need to shut my yap. I have been reading another blog, or I try to read this other blog, http://www.mythreeringcircus.com/ but every time I try to read it, I CRY. I feel overwhelmed by the struggles this family has faced with their babies, and it makes me want to run over to the day care center where Cooper is on campus and hug him til he pops out of my arms like champagne cork. I feel so completely blessed that when I went to my doctor's office at just under 7 months pregnant, bleeding a bit, having some lower back cramps, that they hooked me up to monitors, saw my blood pressure spiking and said you are going to be admitted to this hospital now and then within a days delivered my little bundle of joy early so that no one would get more sick or die. We have such fabulous medical care at our disposal, and it kills me to read about the medical system she is fighting with over at that other blog and how it is most assuredly killing her daughter. I am not a particularly competitive person, but I am sure I would be nothing short of a mommy Schnauzer with her puppies if something were threatening Cooper.
In case you are unfamiliar with the Schnauzer as a breed, when my family purchased their first puppy the breeder had Schnauzers and Dobermans. The Schnauzers were the guard dogs. They are small but mightily loyal and just a tad ferocious.Anyway, I read that blog, and I am thankful. I am truly to the root of my toes thankful that everything went from tiny baby hooked to monitors to bouncy toddler with very little drama or residue of his somewhat premature arrival in this world. I have a fabulous husband who is a rock star dad and does the laundry. You heard me - HE does the laundry. I change more poopy diapers, but it is a fair trade off.
I don't even know how the woman who writes that blog holds it together every day, but she has some serious kick ass strength. I can't even READ about her trials, much less live them. I want to move her from Australia to Boston where her baby would see an endocrinologist this afternoon, never mind waiting until September.
So it is with her and her babies in mind that I say THANK YOU to all the gods, goddesses, angels and spirits, the universe as a whole, for the health and well being of myself and my family, for the good life we have. It is with her REAL problems in mind that I look at my annoying little dumb issues in my life and say REALITY CHECK. You have no real problems at all little lady. I am going to go sniff those lilac bushes even though they will make me sneeze, and I will feel blessed for the ability to see and smell them and experience them to the fullest. And then I will give my little boy a big squeeze and kiss when I see him later today. There will be a day when I can't get away with doing that, so I am getting in as many as I can now.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Foggy brain...

Sunday, May 11, 2008
How I spent Mother's Day
The other thing I did today was put together the little adirondack chair and matching table we got on Ebay for Cooper. See photographic evidence above. He has been jonesing to get into the adult versions we have, so this has made him pretty happy. He has an odd way of getting into it, even though it is his size, and that is to face it, climb into it on his knees and then try to turn around. We will have to work on his technique.
He also finally got his hand me down turtle sandbox. The Bob bought new sand and Cooper is a very happy sandboxing fool.
All in all it was a very nice Mother's Day. I never expected to be a mom, and Mother's Day was always that day I acknowledged my mom, but didn't think I would be the one getting the kudos. It is kind of cool, I have to say. And I dig being a mom :)
Monday, May 5, 2008
And the award goes to...

Sunday, May 4, 2008
The final act...
And finally, a picture of this beautiful flowering tree in our back yard. It almost looks like it has snowed, it is so full of flowers. Cooper is going to inherit the turtle sandbox you can see just to the left edge of the picture. Our neighbors have two boys, and their grandfather is going to build them a bigger sandbox. So they have offered to give the other one to us. Yippee! Of course we have had rain for a week now since they told us that. Sandboxes and rain don't go together.
And I am pretty sure that Cooper said "Please" today when he saw me with Goldfish crackers and wanted some. Very impressive. In addition to that he has become the master of getting on and off the couch. This is causing me some anxiety as I wait for him to launch himself over the back and onto the hardwood floor. The couches are not against a wall, so it is just a matter of time I think. I would rather not have to go to the emergency room for stitches. Agh.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
And a cherry on top...

This is how I look after gardening, only it is dirt, not cool whip, and while I do end up ingesting some, I really don't TRY to eat it. But I think we should all find that activity that lets us get covered in whatever we are playing with, and just embrace that moment. We are afterall, wash and wear beings. There is almost no mess a good hot shower can't take care of.