Monday, February 16, 2009

No, really, it was an honor just to be nominated

Well, I did NOT become the president of our state organization of financial aid professionals. Which is quite fine by me. It isn't like I lost to Marisa Tomei for her role in My Cousin Vinny. No, it is more like I lost to Meryl Streep. The woman who did win will do a fabulous job as president, and is probably way more committed to the organization already than I am, considering she has been a co-chair of at least one committee for quite awhile. She is a talented person. It is also a three year commitment which I am also just as happy not having on my plate. I would have done a good job, and I would have enjoyed some of it, but it is a big commitment. So it is just fine.

In other news, we are going paint the living room. Right now two walls are a dark maroon or eggplant color, and we feel it is too dark. Since moving into this house three years ago, we have not painted any room. That was part of the joy of this house. We loved all the colors. I am not afraid of saturated colors and this house is full of them. But the living room has a low ceiling, and the color is just too dark. So we went and picked up 40 or so paint chips at Home Depot yesterday, and I cut them apart, taped them to the wall and began eliminating colors. The light at night is VERY different than during the day, so we waited until today and narrowed it down further to one of four colors of green. I love the names paint companies come up with for paint. We have a few Behr colors and a few Glidden colors. I have in the past been a big Benjamin Moore fan, and still am, but I would have to find a different store to buy that from, so we are going to stick with what Home Depot offers since they are really close by.

Our choices are Serengheti Plain, Precious Jade, Shy Blossom and Asparagus. These are in the light green but not Kelly or Grass green. Light but warm. Honeydew was eliminated because it was practically florescent in the daylight. Some were too brown in tone.

We are also going to paint the bathroom upstairs. It is currently a taracotta color, but is small and needs a facelift. I think it will end up being a light blue with dark brown accents. Since we don't have the funds to completely redo the fixtures, those will stay. They are tan.

Paint is an inexpensive way to brighten up a room and look at that, I have a guy living in my house who can paint during the day while Cooper is at school. Bonus!


Dproudmama said...

Too weird! I mention painting the living room and everyone else does it - but not me! There is a bright side to some things.

Unknown said...

Um... I just painted my living room this weekend. Golden yellow... Jonquil by Sherwin Williams to be specific.

Onna doze weird family synchronicities.

Audubon Ron said...

Have fun painting.