I would like to introduce The Andreano's of Benevento Italy, my great, great, great grandparents.
These are my ancestors on my maternal grandfather's side. I don't have a clear reference point for how tall they are, but I am going to guess around 5 feet tall. And notice the complete lack of waist on Mrs. Andreano.
I was sharing my theory on how I resemble a garden gnome with my hair dresser yesterday. The very tall and skinny stylist in the station next to us stopped cutting her clients' hair and just stared at me while I talked. I finally noticed she was listening with rapt attention when she said she was completely fascinated by what I was saying. I guess she never met a living garden gnome before. Glad I could be of service.
In other news, we went to breakfast with our neighbor and her twin 3 year old daughters this morning. Her husband is out of town this weekend, so we banded together for mother's day breakfast. The girls are so funny and much easier to talk to and with at 3 than Cooper is at 2. I am looking forward to that cognitive development, although it is a double edged sword. The more he understands and can communicate, the more he can discuss and negotiate and argue. But that is what is supposed to happen.
Happy Mom's Day to all the moms out there. Happy Sunday to the rest of you!
1 comment:
You're Italian!! Love it. Me too.
Other than that - Yawn.
You're not a gnome. Shut up.
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