Monday, January 7, 2008

The old and then new

Well, a lot has happened since the last time I blogged. I tend to get caught up in my life and like with my diary when I was a teenager, months will go by before I remember to put anything into writing.

Since the last time I wrote, Cooper and I went on a cross country adventure, to visit my family in Oregon in late August. A few days before we were to leave, Cooper came down with the runs, so he was immediately put on an applesauce, rice cereal and Pedialyte diet. We managed to get to survive what is by the end of it all a 10 hour trip, without any poopy explosions. Cooper was voted the most well behaved baby on this trip. I am not so sure he would get the same accolades now that he is walking. We timed the trip just right in terms of mobility - just crawling and still sleeping many hours of the day away.

He had a fabulous time getting aquainted with his cousins, my brothers' kids, who are 14 and 11, his grandparents and great grandparents as well as various other extended family members. I am not from Oregon, but my family keeps moving out there so there are many people to visit and be adored by.

Then in September we started at a new day care center. This one is on campus where I work, so drop off and pick up is easier for me. I was concerned about the change, since he was loved and adored at the prior center, and Cooper is the oldest kid in the infant room by 3 months at least. I needn't have worried. He quickly acclimated and became a rock star at the center. Because he is older and more mobile, he spends time with the next level class on occaision, which allows him to participate in music class and go out on the play ground more.

October brought Coop's first Halloween. His father liked the little devil costume, so that is what he was. He didn't go trick or treating, as he is in a coma by 6pm most nights, but he wore it to school.

November saw us celebrate Cooper's first birthday. All of his grandparents came to visit, and he discovered the absolute joy of wrapping paper. I always thought it was just a saying when someone would tell another person to "sit and spin" but Cooper actually does it. He was so excited about the presents he would grasp them in his chubby little fingers and spin around in a circle shaking the present. As for the cake, he was not really interested. He has been slow to try new foods, and chocolate cake just didn't flip his skirt. But we got the obligatory chocolate cake smeared on the face birthday picture. He also took his first steps right before his birthday and is now a champion walker. This is, as all parents know, a double edged blessing. You are so happy to witness the cognitive and physical development of your little baboo, and yet your life ends yet again as you realize that if not watched at all times you child might climb out the doggie door into the three feet of snow on the deck in your back yard.

Thanksgiving was quiet, we celebrated with friends. Christmas we fun. Again, Cooper discovered he loves unwrapping presents, although the concept of Christmas was lost on him. Next year will be very different I am sure.

On New Year's eve we spent an hour at a friend's house, but then Coop reached his witching hour and we went home to put him to bed. Then we went to bed around 11. We know how to live it up! I am not big on New Year's anyway. It is an arbitrary selection on the calendar, you might as well decide the new year begins on March 23rd. It is usually freezing and too many people are too drunk for it too be much fun. Now that I have a kid, I doubt I will ever be out on Dec. 31st.

I have added pictures that hopefully show how the last part of the year went.

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