T-ball was a raging snorefest. They had the "season end event" this weekend. This included EVERY team in the league, not just the ones that practiced and played on our night, meeting at the fields, and spending an hour running "clinics" and playing a game against another team. Then there was to be a BBQ. THEN they would hand out the trophies. 2 hours in the rather blazing sun. For the 4-6 year old group, this was JUST TOO LONG. They should have made it an hour. Take the big league photo, do the BBQ, and then hand out the trophies. About half way through the "clinic" for his team, which wasn't going much better for anyone than a regular practice, Cooper said, "I want to go home." And I could not blame him. I pointed out that meant he would not get a trophy. He was OK with that. So we went home.
Sunday after a lovely breakfast for Father's Day, we had the last soccer game/event. We played a regular game, and then everyone picked up a trophy on the way out. One hour, in and out, and he got a trophy for his efforts.
However, I had a special MOM moment during the game. At some point Cooper really got into running back and forth and attempting to kick the ball. So when the coach said it was his turn to step out so another kid could play, he didn't want to. He began whining "I don't waaaant to rest" and refusing to leave the field. I stepped up to walk him off, and he turned away from me and ran back out there. Of course I turned to see 20 something pairs of judging parental eyes looking at me. YAY. I walked further down the field, got him to come over to me and took him off the field where we sat down near two of his teammates and another dad. Cooper asked if everyone would get a trophy. I said yes, but I wasn't sure he really deserved one the way he was acting. And as I said these words, I am thinking about how that must sound to the other parent sitting there. Like I just became that parent who belittles her kid in front of other people. When he said he waaaaanted a troooooophyyyyyy, I said he would get one, but he wasn't listening very well and that was not how the game was played. But still, I was pretty sure that guy went home and told his wife I was a royal witchy poo.
So who is happy organized sports is over for at least 3 months? ME! Who signed her kid up for fall soccer AND volunteered to be an assistant coach in the fall? That's right - ME! We will see if they take me up on it.
Suppose you will get a trophy if you don't whine?
True Soccer Mom!
My sister is a hockey Mom. Those people are insane. I feel your pain and I'm only a spectator.
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